Day 14

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Day 14

Post by kevrev16 »

It's often very easy to fall into the monotony of what needs to get done between Sundays. Emails need to be sent, lessons prepped, announcements decided upon, songs chosen. Over time it gets easier and Sundays can become more plug and play but too often I have found that I can go days and even weeks at a time without stopping to think about the "flock" in a relational way. Instead, I've become so focused on the Sunday experience and not those whom I am called to serve.

A few years ago I made the decision to try to avoid my office as much as possible outside of the necessary meetings. If I want to meet with a leader or a student or a parent, I try to grab coffee or (even better) a meal with them. My goal is to meet them where they are - their stomping grounds - and to share an experience or a meal with that person. This practice has been instrumental for me in learning many things, particularly to KNOW those whom I serve and it also helps me to slow down. I can rush in the office, needing to get to the next bullet point or meeting. Out of the office, over a cup of coffee or a plate of tacos, it's difficult to shuffle along. It forces me to be more present with the person I am with at the moment.

A final reflection from today - the importance of knowing a name. I try to be diligent in learning names of students, parents and leaders and addressing them with their name as often as I can. I believe there's power in a name and that it does convey relational closeness to know a name and use that name.
Kevin Maurice
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