Here I am

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Here I am

Post by lsdibble »

I remember in one of my first Hebrew classes with Dr. Laniak when he shared the story (from day 10 “Lost and Found�) about the woman whose lost sheep heard her familiar voice after months of separation and came running to her. It brought tears to my eyes that day and was pivotal to my call to ministry. Sheep know they belong to a shepherd and they know his/her voice. It was in that class that I learned the meaning of the Hebrew word hineni, which means “here I am.� It speaks dialogically to the awareness, presence, and availability of one to another. God calls us by name and our response is “Here I am, Lord. Your servant is listening.� And God comes to us and says “Here I AM and I know your name and desire to be with you.� As Laniak notes, naming is a strong palpable demonstration of intimate relationship and connection. How important it is in ministry to know our flocks by name, to be available and present with them personally and to be ever attentive to the Great IAM as He leads us all.
Rev. Leslie S. Dibble
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