Heart is not a Yes/No Question

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Heart is not a Yes/No Question

Post by davegus »

I was struck by the answer that Laniak received from Abu-Jamal when he asked what it takes to be a shepherd: “What really matters is that you have the heart for it. If you do, you can begin tomorrow.� How many seminary students enter ministry without having the heart for it? The heart, first of all, for God. But in this context, I think Abu-Jamal was referring to a heart for the sheep. I think of my own decision to enter pastoral ministry, and the truth is my motives were probably very mixed: finding “success� and affirmation by using my gifts; pleasing my family; making a living; etc. And I struggle with those motives even today.

But at this point in ministry, God is developing in me an increasing heart for the sheep. I’m finding that it’s exhausting, demanding, and deeply satisfying to wrap my life up in the well-being and joy of those under my care. After 25 years in ministry, I’m increasingly choosing people over projects. So for me, Abu-Jamal’s question is not a “yes/no.� I’m in process, and I’m thankful that, by God’s grace, the process is moving in a good direction.
I also find this a helpful gauge for the pastoral fitness of young interns and pastors. Yes, I love helping them develop preaching skills and other ministry abilities. But if I don’t help to nurture their heart for shepherding, I’m doing them a disservice and contributing to the problem.
Dave Gustavsen
Lincoln Park, NJ
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