Give Them Fresh Bread

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Give Them Fresh Bread

Post by dcarver »

As a young boy I considered becoming a pig farmer. My local Cooperative Extension Service supported my desire by giving me a pig to raise for one year, provided I surrender it for auction at the annual county fair. I don't remember much about that short-lived profession except for the fact that pigs will eat just about anything, just like sheep. The only difference is that pigs can live on kitchen scraps, ground roots, or even garbage. Sheep can't, that is if you want to raise healthy, productive animals. Shepherds go at great lengths to find "good grazing land…and rich pasture" (Ez. 14) for their sheep. Jesus expects the same from His pastors charged with feeding, caring, and leading God's people. What do we feed those under our pastoral care? Do we provide our congregation with a steady diet of God's Word, or are we slowly and steadily making them spiritually anemic? Are we preparing them for the challenging season ahead as prophesied by Amos, a loving shepherd, in which there will be a "famine in the land…of hearing the word of the Lord." (Amos 8:11, ESV). Are we feeding our people spiritual food we've diligently studied and prayed over, or are we giving them words borrowed or stolen from other shepherds? Finally, do we give God's people stale, warmed over sermons due to our lack of preparation, laziness or decision to just get through another worship service? God's people deserve fresh bread. Our diligence in providing our congregations a fresh word from the pulpit is in direct correlation to our love for Jesus Christ.
Doug Carver
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