Draw Deep From The Well

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Draw Deep From The Well

Post by dcarver »

I grew up drinking well water. I never gave it much thought how the water flowed out of the faucets in our house. I only knew it had something to do with the pump house in our back yard where my dad spent more time working on the well pump than Ralphie's dad in the movie, A Christmas Story, did fixing their basement furnace. Like Ralphie's dad, my dad frequently spoke in an unknown four-letter word vernacular until he could get the well pump working properly. Little did I know at the time that the ornery well pump was responsible for drawing up fresh water from almost 200 feet below ground. You have to dig deep to find fresh potable water.
The military and corporate businesses often use a "drill down" approach when preparing decision-making strategies for their senior leadership. Complex and important issues require "drilling down" on the all the available information, research, and analysis in order to assist the CEO in their decision-making responsibilities. You have to "drill down" in order to gain full understanding on important information. How much time do we spend digging deep into God's Word for our own spiritual growth? Do we regularly "drill down" on our sermon preparation to ensure that our congregations fully understand the scripture passage? Do we pray for the Lord to bring forth the prophetic word through us for the people of God, or do we rely on our ministry "tricks of the trade" to simply get through another worship service? Those wandering in the wilderness deserve the fresh water of life drawn deep from God's well that never runs dry.
Doug Carver
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