Desperate For God

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Desperate For God

Post by dcarver »

Almighty and Sovereign God orchestrates our seasons in the wilderness primarily to instill trust in Him alone. The wilderness takes away everything else- our physical comforts, people, and our "security blankets". We have nothing left, except our relationship with the Lord. He promises never to leave or forsake us, even in desert places. Desperation takes center stage in the wilderness. It quickly heightens the awareness of our mortality, our survival skills, our spiritual health, the importance of time, and our soul's deepest longings. While wandering in the wilderness of Judah, David thirsted for God more than his physical need for water (Psalm 63:1). Most of my wilderness experiences have been involuntary. God has always met me there and faithfully loved me through each experience. This devotional day convicts me that I should be more proactive in planning a regular wilderness time with the Lord instead of always allowing Him to plan one for me.
Doug Carver
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