Day 2. The God of Provision:

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Day 2. The God of Provision:

Post by SKJames »

I have a friend who would always speak to me about the importance of the “Ministry of Provision� and the “God of Provision�…her definition of having people who believe in the vision God has given you and are willing to be faithful supporter providing resources to support and help grow the vision into ministry. When I read the reflection on provision and the answer to the question what does it take to be a shepherd? The answer…you must, have the heart for it, I smile and thought Yes! I recalled my son’s saying a person has no heart when it came to playing a certain sport or that his heart was not in it. Meaning the desire for success was no longer there, they were just going through the motions and not for the “win�! I began to think about pastors, preacher colleagues who I know and have known and often time found myself wondering about their heart for ministry. It is painful when everyone seems to see the light or fire has gone out or is burning dim in you except you. Wayne Corderio calls this “leading on empty�. I am thankful for the encouragement of these readings and the heart I have for the people of God, the sheep. My heart is still in the game and even on the most painful days at the end of the day... I still love the game!
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