I'd Rather Have _______ Than Anything

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I'd Rather Have _______ Than Anything

Post by jcross »

We long for Eden. We want to be back in the garden, and return to the verdant desert paradise. We yearn for a place free from threat, and full of satisfaction. Our souls long to be home. Full houses, empty hearts, insecurities, violence and rationalizations tells us that we don't live in Eden anymore. We are not home yet.

The longing for eternity, Eden and green pastures have been placed in our hearts as a gift to make us search. God has put in us a deep knowledge that there is something more.

We are looking for God's table, here and now but in our North American, self obsessed way we seek for the prepared table and walk right past it to hunt for someting more - money, fame, comfort, blessing, etc. We seek God's face for the table and ask, seek and knock for more. Somewhere along the way we forget that the table is not a gift but a Giver; not provision but a Provider. We need a revelation of the character of God to convince us that praying "I'd rather have Jesus than anything this world affords today" is the path leading right up to the true Table, the True Pasture, the Verdant Place.
Jody Cross
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