A new insight on "staff"

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A new insight on "staff"

Post by BethelPastor »

The staff as a staff – I had never thought of that before; an extension of the (under)shepherd’s reach to provide care. That’s what my administrator does with reminders for phone calls, visits, and preparation of cards. My administrator also needs a staff, though. She needs to know that she’s valued for who she is a person, and not just valued as a function. This reading has caused me to consider some ways to do that once she gets back from a (much needed) vacation.
Chip Hammond
Pastor, Bethel Presbyterian Church
Leesburg, VA
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Joined: Thu Apr 18, 2013 2:34 pm

Realizing One's Limitaions

Post by garyh »

I realize that I am a work in progress. In the future I may mature into a more sensitive man with heightened levels if compassion and intimacy. Will I ever have "gift of mercy"? Likely not. I am not wanting to limit the Spirit of God in any way but mercy isn't my strong point. Being a more get it done visionary preaching type-I take great joy in seeing lives changed through empowerment, boldness, inspiration etc. I am not without any empathy or tenderness for people in crisis-but if in a crisis myself-I am not sure I would want me visiting me if you know what I mean. Yet I am a shepherd appointed by God to care sensitively for the flock I am appointed to serve
How then will people be best rescued from a pit, or get "unstuck" from the mud or "uncaught" from a fence with my less than sensitive side? The staff that I am called to carry is mine of course to carry. I am learning that my staff as a shepherd is best used to nudge people to one another's side so their needs can be met. I use a staff to move new believers into relationship to seasoned saints who know how to nurture little spiritual babies. Where I am weak in using a staff I am strong in utilizing my staff of employees and lay people called also to serve the very same flock as I. My definition of having a staff as a pastor is being more clearly defined as I grow in ministry. I can counsel well for a few sessions. I can visit and make phone calls. I do these things and I also put off these duties.
Yet I can and do delegate others to do the work of ministry in that area. In this regard, my staff is a symbol of authority in that I can provide opportunities to the priesthood of all believers to minister grace in great love to those in crisis. This is more like what my "staff" looks like.
I cannot absolve myself of the responsibility of caring for people in this particular way yet I also cannot rob those in need of those who can best minister to them with their "staff". Together the love of Christ is communicated, experienced and the flock is cared for--good devotion thanks!!
Gary Hewins
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