Leadership is Teaching

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Leadership is Teaching

Post by peterlim23 »

My bookshelves are filled with books about leadership and leadership principles. Many of these books define leadership to be influence, persuasion, direction, inspiration, getting people to do things that they normally would not have wanted or thought of doing, moving people, and so forth. But when I reflect back on these books there is something sorely missing. None of my books address that leadership is teaching.

Day 7 has brought back clarity to me about a significant aspect of leadership. Dr. Laniak recounts Peter's interaction with Jesus. I think its significant to realize that Jesus never asks Peter to influence, persuade, inspire his flock. Jesus simply calls upon Peter to "feed" the flock, in other words, teach people the spiritual truths about God.

As I lead the community that God has placed me in, this is an emphatic reminder to me that as I lead, it is important to have vision but it is equally important to teach, specifically to teach the flock the rich and robust wisdom and truth that is contained in Scripture.

But there is a second element of teaching. It is not for me to simply spoon feed my community God's truth. Leadership that teaches is a leadership that empowers the community to be "self-feeders." As I teach the Word of God, I must equally demonstrate and teach the community how to read and feed their souls on their own from God's word. Let me put it another way. I am 37 years old. How ridiculous would I look if my mother still spoon fed me my meals? The question I ask of myself is as a leader, am I teaching my people to be self-feeders? I believe my role as a leader of my church is to teach my people and feed them but equally teach them how to feed themselves.
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Feed My Sheep (Leadership is Teaching)

Post by garyh »

Who hasn't heard that leadership is "influence" yet this devotion highlights that influence in leadership is a product of teaching. The kind of teaching that is not empty but rich, nutritious, palatable and digestable at the right time for each listener/observer.
I am reminded of 1 Thess. 1 where Paul comments that the church in Thessanolica received the gospel not simply with words but with power and by the Holy Spirit with deep conviction. With that in mind-qualitiy leadership is about not just teaching but teaching the word of God that has a piercing effect into the human heart. (Heb. 4:12)
To want to lead in this manner seems noble, right and a beautiful thing. Yet how does that come about? The question that arises in my heart goes something like this--Is my heart receptive to the word prior to teaching it? Has my heart been touched by that which I am teaching. Am I immune to the power of the word yet expecting others to consume it and be consumed by it? Am I so familiar with the word of God that I have become desensitized to its potency?
Is there as difference between preparing a sermon and being prepared by the sermon? Am I what I eat? Do I eat the word of God? Am I more like the Bread of Life today I consume the manna of the word today and everyday?
Am I sensitive to the needs of the congregation in the different seasons of life represented among them? Are spiritual infants getting milk? Are the elderly being challenged by the word to finish strong in their personal area of ministry? Do I as a pastor chew before I swallow my doctrine, scripture. Have I meditated on what I am serving as a "meal"?
This exercise reveals to me-my need to first feed before feeding others. I am in need of meditating meditating meditating and processing what I am eating in the BIble so that which eventually becomes a part of me will not be empty, short-lived and useless. Teachings and sermons cannot be like sugar that creates a quick Sunday morning high but leaves a church lethargic throughout the week because the sweet message wasn't nutritional to empower them in their life and ministry. To lead lead lead is to feed feed feed. I need to eat more strategically and thus lead with greater influence. I appreciate the reminder as I welcome conviction prior to leading others to the same well. may the word of Christ dwell in us richly as we teach and admonish one another in all wisdom (Col. 3:16).
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