This home in not our home

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This home in not our home

Post by chdanrice »

This last chapter was a great reminder of what I know is true...and yet I find hard to remember daily. As an MK I know transient. As a soldier, I know transient. Yet I prefer to get comfortable and to settle in and to "constantly improve my foxhole."

How do I live differently and model for the sheep what this should look like?

Having fewer possesions seems like an obvious start and yet the truth is it all depends on who you compare yourself to in order to feel guilty or good about what you are doing. God calls us to different styles of living but all of us to hold onto things lightly and not make this world our home.

So what does that look like for me? Where am I on the right track and where have I veered off? I think with possesions, my wife and I do well. We do not live beyond our means and are not in debt. We tithe and give offerings. We are not convicted to give up more nor to sell everything we have and give to the poor. (I will pray about that though and force us to be open to whatever God asks.) When we see a need and sense God's urging, we act. I feel in this area we are on track.

I also seek to be generous with my subordinates at work who have less. i often seek to pay for their lunches and I incur the greatest cost when getting farewell gifts. I see this as serving them and I am aware of the costs of outings and how that may affect their families. I am sensitive to their means and do not flaunt what I have.

Can I do more? Lord what do you want me to do differently?
Dan Rice, US Army, Chaplain
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