Being Led

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Being Led

Post by chdanrice »

"...leading always involve being led." That struck me. Its obviously true and simple but also rarely thought about. Who is leading me on a daily basis?

There are times when clearly God is nudging, talking and leading me. Usually this comes when dealing with individuals and their issues. Sometimes His leading also comes in terms of helping someone financially or an out of the blue "calling" to help others in some specific way.

When preparing to preach or lead a Bible study, God leads me through His Spirit. As I study and pray and seek what to tell his people, God leads me. There is usually a moment, an epiphany when it all comes together or when a particularly hard nut cracks open beautifully and God leads me.

But during an average day, when I wake up, do physical training, my quiet time, bfast, go to work, work and work, dinner, relax time with my is God leading? I don't sense it as clearly. I often don't think about it even. God is still there. He still has a plan and a desire for what I I missing His voice? Or does He only speak clearest when needed and allows me to walk within the boundaries of His will as He has established them. Meaning, He says I can eat ice cream but does not specify which flavor, I choose that.

"Followership is the beginning and end of effective leadership." The military has a saying, "Lead, Follow or get out of the way."
Dan Rice, US Army, Chaplain
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