The gift of Serving..

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The gift of Serving..

Post by tdudley »

I wonder why one is called to serve and another is not. Could it be all are called to serve and only a few respond? If I respond to the call to serve, how can I be sure I'm serving correctly? These thoughts are very simple but not simplistic. The call to serve is the most challenging and honorable charge one could every receive. I say that because it is my experience and I believe Scripture confirms that reality. I believe if you present yourself to God in faith and are available, God will use you, plain and simple. When I think how the Church has survived the last two thousand years with folks like you and me, it is plain that God can use anybody, but we first must be available. If we open ourselves up to the idea of being used in a mighty way, then the opportunity for extra ordinary things to develop for God's purposes can happen. I believe the key is acknowledging that God can use you to expand His Kingdom. The outcome of that fact is whether you are receptive to giving God your all. Dying to self and receiving the ability to be used in the caring of others is a miracle to experience.
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The Gift of Serving

Post by Oleander#1 »

Marilyn Hickey once said that, "The gift of serving is very important because it motivates those who have the gift to meet the practical needs in the Church. This statement is so true. I have been blessed to be around some folks who display the gift of service in remarkable ways.

My mentor often reminded me, that one of our aims as a child of God - is to "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus" (Phil 2:5).
Beloved, Christ came not to be served, but to serve.

Those with the gift of serving willfully accept challenges, do more than is required, display a gracious and humble spirit and enjoy serving others.
Unfortunately, they have a problem in saying no, and accepting being served by others.

As undershepherds our goal is to serve faithfully our Chief Shepherd and I am so grateful to God for calling me and using me to serve in His work.
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