Ruts Are Not Bad...

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Ruts Are Not Bad...

Post by smielke »

When most of us think of ruts, we have a negative connotation. How many times have we heard someone say "My life is in a rut right now" and we immediately think this person is having a bad time. Structure can be a wonderful thing especially when it comes to honoring God. I must admit I am a type A personality and the more organization and structure which I have in my life the more comfortable I feel; however, even I at times crave excitement or things which are different and out of the box. We live in a society which thrives on pleasure seeking and what feels good now. This is a struggle for all of us to not be caught up in this phenomenon and to truly stick to our guns and our faith. A "rut" provides the structure which provides balance with all the things which are bombarding us in the media. It is not easy to develop a routine which includes righteous ruts. It takes discipline, fortitude and unselfishness to give up certain things in your lifestyle. It is essential for leaders in the faith to set the example because if they are the first sheep off the cliff, the others will certainly follow. While we are human, there is a higher standard for those in ministry and we must lead by example and stop at that cliff's ledge in the name of our Lord.
Scott Mielke
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