Today's Staff?

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Today's Staff?

Post by smielke »

As I was reading Day 13- "The Staff" there was one thing which really jumped out at me. Dr. Laniak states that the staff is a symbol of care. While the staff is still used today by Beduoin tribes, I could not help but think about what would be that symbol of care in today's modern society. In a practical sense the staff is used to be "in touch" with those animals being shepherded. As people in ministry what is our tool to do that today with those in our charge? Is it social networking or our ever present cell phone? While I am not sure what the exact answer is here, I think it is clear that nothing makes up for the "touch" of those we lead. It is easy to post a message on someone's "wall" or fire off a quick text but we are neglecting the actual touch which is so important in shepherding. In ministry I think it is important to not take the quick or easy way out which deprives the person of that important "touch". While it may not be convenient at times, I think a true shepherd must rise to the challenge and go the extra mile to ensure their people feel that "touch".
Scott Mielke
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