Soft heart and strong heart

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Soft heart and strong heart

Post by grapeko »

Dr. Lanisk mentioned shepherds need a soft and strong hearts. It is the same as pastors.
Pastor needs a soft heart to love people. Many people get wounded, and they need comforts and prayers from me. I also spend time in home visitation espeically to those who are sick and old. I learn to be patient to those who are weak in spirit. I always pray for physical energy and a passionate heart to serve God.
Pastor also needs a strong heart to love people. I learn to speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves. In preaching, I have to warn God's children the danger of our flesh nature and the temptations of the world. I am also responsible to talk to people who have committed sins against God and ask for their repentance. May God gives me more courage and faith to follow Him.
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