The Unsafe God

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The Unsafe God

Post by peterlim23 »

After reading and reflecting on Day 19 there are two things that come to mind.

First of all, I am so very guilty of this but I believe God has been domesticated in our churches. We preach and teach about a God who is loving, gracious, merciful, caring and compassionate. Of course all of this is true. But what about the God who is jealous? What about the God who declares, "vengeance is mine?" What about the God who is so holy that the seraphs cannot gaze upon him? What about the God whose robe will be crimson red when he returns?

I too often teach and preach an understanding of God that is only half true. Yes, God is gracious but He is also just. God does have wrath. God is jealous and He will not sit back when his glory and honor is stolen. CS Lewis is brilliant in declaring, "Is he - quite safe?" "'Course he isn't safe. But he's good." I only teach that God is good. I fail to teach that God is also "not safe" because He is holy.

Equally convicting is my lack of prayer for my flock. My greatest weakness is my lack of prayer. If I say that I love my flock, not only must I provide and protect, I need to relentlessly pray for them, interceding for them with the "Holy Good but Unsafe God." Much is needed in my leadership, at the top is prayer.
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