The Motherly Side of Leadership

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The Motherly Side of Leadership

Post by peterlim23 »

"Leadership means mothering." Coming from a very patriarchal culture, leadership is always seen as a masculine trait. In fact, many in my culture promote that women are not even fit for leadership. Strong, dominate leadership is promoted and affirmed in the context of the church.

But when I look back at my life and if I use the idea of leadership as influence, persuasion, inspiring, getting me to do what I didn't want to do, the one person who did all of this in my life was and is my mother. My father was and is a strong dominating figure. His influence on me was because of fear. My mother on the other hand was the chief architect (outside of God) in my life. Her tender care, her gracious prodding, her mothering of me is what influenced, persuaded and inspired me and in so doing got me to do things that I ought otherwise would not have done. Unlike with my father I was not moved by fear. My mother moved me because of her gentle love.

Day 9 is a powerful reminder to me that as a leader mothering, nurturing, being gentle and caring is critical and absolutely vital in leading the flock. My tendency is to lead from a complete masculine position. Day 9 is reminding me that leadership is both being a father and a mother.
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