Lead the sheep to water

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Lead the sheep to water

Post by casetech »

Often times we find ourselves leading lambs to water. The water may be a vision for ministry or the living water of Jesus Christ. We as shepherds are to lead. Sometimes the sheep follow the shepherd. Sometime the sheep do not follow the shepherd. And sometimes believe it or not you have to knock the sheep in the head with a rod or staff to make them drink. Sheep don't always know what is best, though they may wander off thinking they do know best. Whether they follow or not is not necessarily what I am asking. What I would like dialogue about is when do you know to smack them with the rod or guide them with the staff. Maybe it depends on the personality of the sheep and the personality of the shepherd. God the ultimate shepherd does know best and how many time has He had to break out the rod or staff in guiding, directing, or disciplining us as sheep. Sheep can be stubborn, fearful, and even lazy. Are we any different as sheep of Christ. God give us mercy to know when to use the rod and he staff. God give us strength as you use your rod and staff with us as we walk with you.
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