BUT God...

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Dave Hampson
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BUT God...

Post by Dave Hampson »

One of my life verses in the Bible is found in Proverbs 19:21 which says, “Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.� I have always found great comfort in the reality that no matter what I am up to - God is working as well and He will accomplish His purpose no matter how on or off I am. I am grateful that God as the Great Shepherd sees the big picture and He is able, as the author said, “to work with His people, even in their mistakes, moving them toward His overall plan. Forty extra years in the desolation of the wilderness were tacked onto the itinerary because of disobedience. But God stayed near, guiding them day and night. He was determined to bring their children into the land of promise.�

In this passage we are given a beautiful picture of God not being hindered in His guidance by our blunders. Our disobedience may bring severe consequences, like Joshua and the children of Israel had to deal with after Ai or when they made an alliance with the Gibeonites, “BUT God� never left them. Personally I think one of the greatest phrases found throughout the Bible is found in those two words, “but God.� We encounter it in Romans 5 when Paul speaks of us being powerless and beyond help. In the midst of our hopeless Paul states, “but God demonstrates His own love for us...� Or in Genesis 8:1 in the midst of the flood when all seems lost, the Bible says “But God remembered Noah.� What a mighty God we serve. He alone as our Good Shepherd is able to see all the constantly changing variables in our environment and make it all work for good. Managing the entire herd as the authors points out and yet not lose sight of each of our individual needs.

Being a part of the guidance process is one of the greatest privileges of ministry. Through preaching we are able guide our people to Christ and to rely on the power of the Holy Spirit. Through counsel and mentoring we are able to listen to their hearts and to help them discern what God is saying to them personally. And through prayer we are able to seek with them the very heart of God on their behalf. Giving guidance is a responsibility that must be taken very seriously as we seek to shepherd the people of God.
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