Choose the right Leader

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Choose the right Leader

Post by tdudley »

Whether you are leading or being led, both actions require participation. I like the fact throughout scripture, the heros of faith were involved with both positions, leading and following. I believe we must learn the lesson of following before we can effectively lead. Both go hand in hand for successful traveling to our appointed destination. When the time comes for us to lead, have we the experience of following a worthly leader? That makes all the difference in the world. Who we follow has great implications to what kind of leadership we provide. For us as Christians, following the Lord Jesus is the answer and makes sense for a life of effective leadership and for anything else for that matter. The rub comes from being human and knowing the right way and still choosing the wrong leader from time to time. That is our problem. It seems to me that as we grow in grace and wisdom, spending more time with the Leader, to know him better and better, until our wonderings are few and far and between. That is the real test that reveals whether our leadership skills are worthy of anyone following us. Where are we going?
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