Thanks and Invitation

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Thanks and Invitation

Post by corinthpastorbob »

Special thanks to Tim Laniak for providing a resource rich for reflection and an opportunity to interact with other shepherds. Last night I read a book, "The Unknown Catacomb," which describes a complex burial ground underneath Rome that was discovered in 1955 after being "lost" for 1000 years. The walls of the catacomb are covered with early Christian paintings dating to the third or fourth century. The face of one of those underground tombs was painted with the figure of a shepherd leading a lamb while a mature sheep lay nearby. What was in the mind of the artist is difficult to discern, but the painting is further evidence that the shepherd metaphor continued to have meaning hundreds of years after Jesus' times, even when the church moved into urban settings. So I renew my quest to grasp and live out the meaning of this rich metaphor in daily reflections. I invite other shepherds to sit in this electronic tent and reflect with candor and renewed to follow and be a good shepherd.
Bob Thompson
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