old shepherd's trick

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old shepherd's trick

Post by sutz »

I found Laniak's suggestion about what was going on in Numbers 20 to be provocative and novel. I feel a bit disappointed in Moses, but God's judgment does make more sense if Moses was faking it. He was pushed to extremes by his flock's complaining and criticism; the leadership load was almost more than he could bear. I'm sure there have been times when I have pushed someone's need or complaint aside because there seemed more pressing needs. For sure there have been times when I ended up appearing more wise or discerning than I am, when experience simply gave me more perspective. I have known in times of listening to the Holy Spirit the temptation to "give a word" because everyone was hoping for it. I guess there are a lot of thin lines in leadership, and sometimes we old shepherds in our humanness step over them. May God give us a holy fear to respect him and his flock.
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