Darkness Will Pass

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Darkness Will Pass

Post by jcross »

The Darkness of soul is as much a part of the human experience as night is to a 24 hour time period. It just is and there is no escape. The greatest darkness comes in the deepest loss or threat. The sudden death of a child leaves one empty, speechless and completely bewildered. Sudden news of grave illness catapults one into a seemingly God-absent tailspin. I recall a time when my life journey took me to a deep pit of despair. I felt alone and abandoned by everyone and especially God. At times like that we can either cry out desperately with all our drowning might or perhaps only have enough strength to whisper a faint cry for help. Looking through the darkness, we only see dark, but looking back we can see God’s hand of mercy.

Whether the current darkness is only one of shadows and threats or the complete empty blackness of Ps. 88: 6-7 “You have put me in the depths of the pit, in the regions dark and deep. Your wrath lies heavy upon me, and you overwhelm me with all your waves�, God is the faithful Author who has the final say. Though darkness is the place of vast work of God’s enemies, even the darkness is as light to the Lord (Ps. 139:12). He turns the trial into the triumph by His grace and power.

Though this is a trite saying, it is nonetheless true, “this too shall pass�. At some point in the future, the current dark trial will subside and perspective will replace the deep pain. Tomorrow is a new day. Somehow the heavy weight of today’s darkness is more bearable in the strength of tomorrow’s light. Our groaning under the weight of these shadows remains with us until the new day dawns and the Sun of Righteousness rises with healing in His wings. More tsalmavet’s are ahead and if we remember God is ahead as well, we shall endure the trial.
Jody Cross
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