the elusive lion

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the elusive lion

Post by sutz »

A married woman (a university professor) in my congregation decided that she was in fact a lesbian, and left her husband. The couple were relatively new to our congregation. She had reached this conclusion based on feelings and personal searching and felt that she would at some point need my help to navigate the Scriptures. I confronted her gently, telling her that she needed to consider the Scriptures first. After a few meetings, when it became clear that I didn't think there was a biblical loophole for her, she no longer wanted to meet. Her husband continued in my congregation. I called her a few times, but had lost the open door I once had.

In dealing with people versus sheep, there is a level of personal volition that plays into the paths we choose. How do we go after the lion in such cases? How do I "go after it"? How hard should I have tried? In our individualistic culture, it is easy for people to just walk away (myself included). Sometimes it is hard to know how to attack the lion.
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