Jumping into the pool

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Brent Kipfer
Posts: 20
Joined: Wed Feb 27, 2008 1:31 pm
Location: Brussels, Ontario

Jumping into the pool

Post by Brent Kipfer »

Our family depends on a woodstove for most of our home heating. A few autumns ago, we lit the first fire of the season. When smoke began to fill our living room, we knew that a bird nest was blocking the top of our chimney. We removed it and relit a fire. We did this a number of times over the next few weeks as the weather grew colder. Because our stove was not in constant use, however, we had birds visit us through our chimney – three times. Upon reaching the firebox – or escaping into our house – our guests were very sceptical of the help we offered them. Although we had their best interests at heart, they would not let us catch them. We had to find more creative ways of leading them outside – for their own good (and ours!). What would it take for them to begin to trust our guidance?

I love the story of Tim leading Franky to reframe his situation from “I don’t have to swim� to “I get to swim.� So much of leadership involves helping people to see in new ways. Good leadership does that for the benefit of the person and the kingdom of God. Jesus models this in his whole ministry – particularly in his parables. He offers new lenses for anyone who is ready to put them on. For Franky, it led to the joy of the water and sharing in the fun of the group.

This summer, I am leading my family on a two-month mission trip to Belize. This is the first time we have done this together – and when my wife and I first announced the plan to our children (ages 5, 9 & 11), they were not pleased. They love home, their toys, familiar food and predictability. How do we lead them from “have to go� to “get to go�? We want our children to receive all that God has for them! As parents, we have an important part to play: exercising patience, looking for ways to help our children see how this trip connects with some of their interests, addressing specific fears, and cultivating a larger vision for the kingdom of God. We are also depending on the Lord to work in their hearts. We see a slow, steady shift from “have to� to “get to� – and look forward to “jumping into the pool� with them and sharing the joy of “swimming� with God.
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