the problem of being lost

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the problem of being lost

Post by sutz »

Laniak draws out a wonderful connotation of the term "lost" in Shepherds After My Own Heart in that it implies that what is lost in fact originally belonged to the Great Shepherd. In the context of evangelism, this is a beautiful depiction of those "in other folds" that Jesus seeks - they are His, and He seeks them still. I recall debates with people at my church who object to the public use of the term "lost." Although their sensitivity to what their not-yet-believing friends may hear in this term is worth considering, still the term itself conveys something of God's heart. Perhaps it is needs to be confined to conversation among believers and with God, where it can be understood.

The important thing is to join with the Great Shepherd in seeking the lost, and in 'not coming home without them.' God give me such a heart.
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