what's my calling?

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what's my calling?

Post by sutz »

Yesterday I was in a coffee shop (escaping to do a bit of DMin homework), when a homeless person called to me and we spoke briefly. The man behind me in line at Tim Horton's asked "Are you a pastor?" I paused. Am I? I no longer have the job of pastor. I told him this and we spoke briefly - he had connected me with the church where I pastored up until recently. But I continue to ponder whether it is helpful for me to see myself as pastor of one (my son Caleb), or whether this perpetuates in me a longing for the other pastoral role. When I think of my role as one of feeding my little sheep, both food and the word of God, and nurturing in him the life of God, I am helped, centred, pulled back from the weariness of temper tantrums and potty training, and restored to "my calling." But I when I continue to think of myself as pastor, I might also be clinging to a particular identity, a more 'legitimate' (?) role/profession. I think that awareness is helpful as I seek to follow my Lord is the calling that I now have.
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