"Defying" or Submitting?

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Cliff Fletcher
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"Defying" or Submitting?

Post by Cliff Fletcher »

I wonder if it is "defying the open jaws" of the Lion of Judah, as much as it is jumping into them? When we pray "Your will be done" aren't we praying "God if you want to crush me, kill me, heal me then I submit to your will"?

Imagine being at a zoo, in the kiddy area petting the baby lambs and laughing as they lick your face. Suddenly you hear a panicked crowd yelling and running towards you, "lion's escaped!" You turn just in time to be face to face with this massive wild lion. You can feel his breath as he sizes you up and does a most remarkable thing: he licks your face. Now which lick will you tell your grandkids about? I mean this lion could've torn you to shreds but he chose otherwise - he licked you (I think I read this story in a book called "Revolution Within"?!). I think I'm inclined to pray to the "lamb of God". I forget (we have an amazing capacity to forget don't we) that I am with the Lion of Judah, and He could eat me. He could choose to tear through my skin as Aslan does in a couple of situations in the Narnia series. He has jaws - universe creating, sustaining, ending jaws. Yet I can be boldly in His throne room!

Now I'm wondering if intercession is boldly jumping into His jaws, not "defying" them, not assuming I won't get my way here? Like Moses being aware of the situation (face to face with the Lion of Judah) AND (not "but") saying "I want your will - and I'm asking that your will in this moment be redemption, saving, rescuing, forgiving, mercy..." Too often I pray to the great big pastor in the sky, or great big lamb, where He is giving, soft, pastoral, and even warm and cuddle-ly. I'm sorry I try to whittle Him down to my size. Today's devotional is a great reminder of the "other lion". I also think one of the entries for today, his insight of "four lions" is a very good insight...
Cliff Fletcher
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