Tenacious leading

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Cliff Fletcher
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Tenacious leading

Post by Cliff Fletcher »

My thoughts through this devotional today lingered on the word "tenacious". Is my concern for my congregation, my drive to advocate on their behalf, my prayer life for them defined with the word tenacious?

The shepherd obviously fills the role of protector, but "protector" needs to be clearly defined as not just the hired security guard who has little training, little ownership of what he is protecting, and is quite prepared to surrender if the situation looks grave. I have known enough pastors to act like low level security guards in their ministry areas. These have responded to church as if it were merely a job they were hired for; they did not own the church like a marriage they were in for better or worse; and when their reputation, their pay, their conveniences were in question they surrendered. Tenacity should define those called by Christ to be His under-shepherds. Tenacity as a protective shepherd is the quality of being driven to care for the flock. Words like determined, driven, advocacy, diligent, energetic, and the like will be a part of their job reviews. Tenacity grows out of our love for Jesus and His Bride. Tenacity is nurtured on our knees, in our worship and is manifest in our daytimers...
Cliff Fletcher
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