What's in name?

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Cliff Fletcher
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Joined: Thu Jan 03, 2008 12:55 pm
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What's in name?

Post by Cliff Fletcher »

Abram and Simon received new names. We apparently will receive one (Revelation 2:17). Why? What's in a name? Perhaps that's not the right question. Perhaps the better question is 'why is a new name important to God?' Part of the answer is ownership. Parents consider 'what meaningful word, what hope, what promise, what compliment, what legacy can we name our child?' A shepherd names his sheep - it's his to name. He's the owner or shepherd so the name is almost like his signature on the animal. So for starters, naming is about ownership. Every time someone called Abram "Abraham" surely he would remember that God was His father. And everytime someone said "Peter", Peter would remember that Jesus had the authority to rename him, relabel him to make Peter His.

God names us and knows our names because He owns us. If I am named by God, then you would do well to know me! As an undershepherd isn't it hugely important to know the shepherd's names for each sheep? Isn't it my job to be aware that each sheep has a name specifically considered thoughtfully by God? Absolutely. How does this principle translate into my everyday world? Each person has a story and as a leader it is part of my job to facilitate a church family where these stories are told in small groups, discipleship relationships, evangelistic opportunities, ministries, conflict, and even on Sunday mornings.
Cliff Fletcher
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