Unrelenting! Or so it seems. . .

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Unrelenting! Or so it seems. . .

Post by ohbe8 »

I watched a woman get caught up in the occult and she lost everything in spite of her family's attempts to help - including asking spiritual intervention from the pastor. He refused stating she had to come to him. I think either he was afraid or didn't know how to intervene.

The untruth about spiritual darkness for most people is they think they're all alone - leaving them even more isolated and cut off than they really are. Spiritual darkness has a way of subtly cloing in on us until there's a sense of being smothered. It's like stepping out of an air-conditioned building into and against the heat and humidity that is so prevalent in the hottest summer months of the south. That wall of heat is unrelenting. So is spiritual darkness. It affects not just the person going through, but those who stand by helplessly.

When does a pastor decide that a case like this needs an exorcist-type approach? I realize the majority of our culture doesn't believe or understand this reality, but for the case above what do you do?
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