Cultural Distance

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Cultural Distance

Post by corinthpastorbob »

Part of the disconnect culturally for this topic is not only from the pastoral world to the post-modern world which has little contact with shepherds, but from an authoritarian world to our world where democracy, autonomy, and “rights� take precedence. As a contemporary pastor, I have little “power� to enforce justice in my flock. For the most part, I need to earn “authority� to intervene, model justice, and confront with love and grace.
Bob Thompson
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Joined: Thu Feb 14, 2008 1:49 pm

When it does happen...

Post by tsl »

Every culture requires something different from us and I think you've spoken the truth about ours: authority is rarely respected unless it is earned. Because our culture makes it so difficult to enforce discipline, when it does happen, it is evidence of remarkable leadership-by-influence.
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