Every Morning

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Every Morning

Post by pjoshuakim »

One of the well-respected Korean immigrant pastors is Won Sang Lee of Korean Capital Presbyterian Church in Northern Virginia. He is a well-respected teacher and a pastor who grew his church to over 5,000 members. He is beloved not because he was such a great leader. I once remember hearing a story that he and his wife would get up each morning and use the church’s directory to pray for every single member by their name. This would continue until his retirement. That meant it did not matter whether he had 10 members or 5,000 members, he faithfully prayed with them by their name. The church members fondly remember this megachurch pastor as “their pastor” because of this.

Do I know my flock? Honestly, I often struggle to remember the names of visitors. I often use the excuse that I am not good with names. However, would I not remember them if I spent time praying for them? This chapter is rebuking in so many ways. I am challenged with the same heart, “know well the faces of your flocks.”
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