Get them all home

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Get them all home

Post by Ambassador_of_Hope »

Day 40 Home

Providence in business, brought a new relationship out of a broken attempt to change software. My new friend had and has a troubled soul. Condemnation rooted in failure has become a prison. Hopelessness is his continuous portion, like feeding a fire. In two weeks, he’ll be evicted from his home. Satan won’t be satisfied short of complete ruin. His daily posture is isolation, alone and avoidance. A bruised Reed he will not break, and a faintly burning wick he will not quench, this is the heart of God I need for the people God has placed in my life. Yeshua, catch and protect those who don’t know and can’t see you as Lord and Savior. You are the hound of heaven, forever and always poised to be man’s best friend.


As I conclude this book for the second time, I’m nourished, peaceful and content. My successor, Tim B, took this journey with me and is better equipped for his current responsibilities. Time should position him to be a predecessor, introducing his successor to this book as he repeats his journey through with many more miles behind. Shepherd’s raising sheep to become fellow shepherds can and should be like waves rolling on the ocean shoreline. Nothing new will be under the sun. The Good Shephard is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He will come back. Carpe Diem.

Dave Dassoulas
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