Greek Philosophers vs Near Eastern Sources

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Greek Philosophers vs Near Eastern Sources

Post by hyongho »

The Near Eastern sources show that the law codes were an expression of divine will according to Laniak when he says: " whereas the Near Eastern sources treat law codes as embodying the divine will, these Greek philosophers posit a view of leadership that is above the law. If motivated properly by love and led by understanding a good shepherd follows his inclinations for the good of all," p.74. The concept of kingship emanated from God who is the king of both heaven and earth. The divine laws came directly from God through His under shepherds who were an extension of God's leadership. A good example is Moses who received the 10 commandments from God for his people in Exodus 20:1 - 17. It was an expression of divine will and leadership.
On the other hand, Greek philosophers stipulated that a well governed society depends on the inclinations of the leader. Plato for example started that to know the good is to do the good. This is to say that a good leader is someone who is knowledgeable in all things. That is to say a ruler that can contemplate the good and bring about justice to all and give to each one his due. In this case, one could agree with Laniak that Greek philosophers preferred leadership by inclinations not the law.
As such, to the early Greek philosophers, man is at the center of all activities meanwhile to the Near Easterners God is at the center of human life. To the Greek philosophers, law codes are a product of a sound human mind, but to Near Easterners it emanates from God as an expression of his will to all mankind.
Henry Yongho

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