Healing homes

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Cliff Fletcher
Posts: 20
Joined: Thu Jan 03, 2008 12:55 pm
Location: Barrie, ON, Canada

Healing homes

Post by Cliff Fletcher »

It occurs to me that I have friends that I particularly need in certain circumstances. I need handy ones often, I need the ones that make me belly laugh often, I need the ones that ask me tough questions, and in this past season I needed the healing ones... Those friends whose homes were comfortable, where I feel at home enough (because they are hospital enough) to encourage to put my feet up, and just sit. Talk. Listen. Play a game. Complain. Pray. Now the truth is I love all my friends, and love hanging with any one of them any time. But I needed those with healing homes this season. One friend prayed right before we shared tea, "Jesus thank you that Cliff could be here with us." "Us", He was there already and that ground was holy!

Laniak has maintained that hospitality is part of leadership. It is a logical next step to say that "leading means healing", because healing requires close proximity and being inviting or welcoming. Inviting and welcoming is hospitable. Healing friends invite you into their lives and love and touch out of Christ's love and touch. Healing churches likewise invite each individual in, encourages us to put our proverbial feet up, welcome into close proximity and love out of Christ's love.
Cliff Fletcher
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