
Scott Vance
Posts: 5
Joined: Wed Aug 10, 2022 2:32 pm


Post by Scott Vance »

On page 179, Laniak notes, “the disciples are being prepared – encounter by encounter, teaching by teaching – to understand their role as extensions of the Davidic shepherd’s current (and future) ministry.� Laniak goes on to note that, “just as they [the disciples] are becoming aware of their powerful place in the new kingdom, Jesus will insist that the essence of their role as leaders is to follow the Lamb of God to his death ([Mark] 8:34-38). Self-sacrificing service is the hallmark of the Lord’s deputy shepherds ([Mark] 10:45).� (Timothy S. Laniak, 2006, Shepherd after My own Heart, p.179)

I agree with Laniak’s point. However, I believe caution must be made not to misinterpret this passage. Self-sacrificing service is undoubtedly a hallmark of pastoral ministry. Jesus wants His disciples, especially His deputy shepherds, to count the cost and settle in our minds to choose Him above all other things.
Whenever the time comes, and it will come, be it a matter of honesty, purity, justice, care or protection for the flock, or taking a stand for Jesus, we’ll do what Jesus wants us to do.

However, self-sacrifice is not to be sought out or pursued as a priority in the life of deputy shepherds. To pursue self-sacrifice as an ongoing lifestyle for the deputy shepherd would quickly exhaust and deplete the deputy shepherd to the point that they can no longer serve the divine Shepherd, let alone care for His flock. We see this prominently in Mark 6.30-32 after the disciples return from the mission where Jesus sent them out in pairs (Mark 6.7-13). In these passages from Mark 6, we see self-sacrifice and a rhythm of rest and renewal on the disciples' part.

While self-sacrifice is a hallmark of Jesus’ deputy shepherds (even to the point of death), this doesn’t necessitate the pursuit of self-sacrifice.
What matters for the deputy shepherd is that they listen to the voice of the divine Shepherd and are willing to follow when He calls and where He leads.
Pastor Scott Vance

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