Three Legged Stool

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Three Legged Stool

Post by Ambassador_of_Hope »

Day 36 Hiring the Right People

I dipped the poopy diaper into the toilet and flushed the worst of it. Without gloves, I worked to rinse the cloth diaper and wring it out so it could be placed into the diaper pale without stinking too bad before the next load of diapers was placed into the washing machine. Then I washed my hands. Danny was born in 1983, disposable diapers were considered a luxury. My mother taught me to clean. She demanded maid clean. When it did not meet her standards, we cleaned again until it did. Today I call this a number of things. Quality Work. Doing the Right Thing. Improving Customer Experience. Our mission statement at Hope Builders describes this as EPIC.

I’ve added skills to my tool-belt through the years. My college degree led to honing the skills of accounting. I learned management through observing my boss over the 13 years prior to Hope Builders. Leadership has been learned on the job as a result of taking responsibility for what needed to be done. The Lord used many things to develop a trustworthy shephard with skilled hands. As I finish this final sentence, I’m seeing he is sending others to me to do likewise.

Dave Dassoulas
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