Any Volunteers?

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Any Volunteers?

Post by jcross »

David is an example of a worshiper, poet, leader, shepherd and warrior. It is safe to be poet or minstrel, but to be a warrior-shepherd means danger. David was not lacking the courage to risk harm for the sake of the sheep. He was willing to step into harms way to come between a sheep and a predator. The necessary ingredients? Care and courage. We will only do this IF we exist for their needs and not theirs for ours. "Shepherding requires an identification with our flock" (Laniak, p. 113), and this necessitates recognizing the charge to keep we have. Where do we find this courage, both to be willing to lay down our lives and to risk for the sheep? Isn't this the call to each Christian, whether living for Christ in our towns or going overseas to a hostile nation? We need a heart realignment and a fresh courage injection. Comfort makes us sleepy, soft, unresponsive and self preserving. Maybe our affluent culture is one of our greatest enemies. We are charged in 1 Cor. 16:13 to "act like men, be strong". God is looking for a fresh batch of courageous warriors to step up.
Jody Cross
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