God calls shepherds

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God calls shepherds

Post by vdelacruz »

The author, quoting Psalm 78:72, pointed out the need for leaders to shepherd with two things:
Integrity of heart
Skillful hands

I look at my situation as a pastor. Through the help of the Holy Spirit, I know that integrity of the heart can be developed from the everyday decisions I make, whether big or small. But skillful hands? Doesn't this come from formal education (seminary or otherwise) and from past experiences?

I believe God has called me in pastoral ministry. For a long time, I have avoided the pastoral calling. As a matter of fact, I stayed away from it except in the capacity of an associate. But through providence, my church has found the least among the pastors, that is me, to lead the startup daughter church. I still stayed away initially, but through several confirming "points," I finally had to surrender and say yes. I took the personality test to see I qualify. Two other tests propelled me to finally consider it: the affirmation of the church elders, which meant I was being sent by the church, and affirmation from the Word.

Still, a year and a half down the road, I have questions about "skillful hands." If God has called me to pastor, why do I feel unqualified and clueless? If I were to lead, would not have equipped me already with the new skills so that I feel confident to lead?
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