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Post by Ambassador_of_Hope »

Day 34 Reproduction

A few weeks ago, Brooke announced she was with child. The conversation led into a discussion of long term career goals. She stated, unless you get rid of me, I intend to work here until I retire. Statements like that cause me to scratch my head and ask; “How do we deserve this kind of loyal, dedicated and faithful worker on our staff?” Chito works in the field. He’s said the same thing on a number of occasions, starting years ago. He was invited by his nephew to apply and interview for a job as a carpenter. Ever since, he’s never stopped inviting others. The sowing by Chito has led to reproduction. The night time contract workers look a lot like family. Family is messy. Family is fun. Family is life. The circle of life is on display, everyday. Promotions. Reassignments. Encouragement. Confrontation. Training. Growth. Recruiting. Relocations. Opportunity.

Now I approach a precipice, deciding ownership and decision making on the other side of my season of stewardship. Trusted human shepherds is the only chance of preserving a culture that’s worth being preserved.
Lord, help me follow you and prepare those who follow me to prepare those who follow them. In the end, it’s about eternity, the journey along the way…...sowing.

Dave Dassoulas
Used with permission.
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