Family Ties

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Family Ties

Post by Ambassador_of_Hope »

Day 31 Working Together

I walked through the front door and greeted the family. There my friend and coworker Butch laid, the hospital bed in place of the living room sofa. Butch refused to miss out on a minute of life, and was now days away from death. His journey into faith over the previous six months, was unparalleled in my experience with others. His influence continues, long past how he faced his death sentence, a diagnosis of stage four pancreatic cancer. He had every intention of returning work, exercising his nature as the one who served, provided, and sacrificed for others. No longer vigorous and energetic, he had no other choice but to receive.

Those six months were a window into what working together and what family ties at work look like. I visited most Friday mornings, cruller and Boston creme donuts in hand, along with the news of the gospel of peace, and an encouraging scripture written out on a business card to leave behind. He and his wife Paula talked, I listened. We always prayed. I watched their family and our coworkers too. Daughter Christie and husband John always close by with their care and support. Coworkers redeemed and donated the value of vacation leave to Butch. A hot water heater was purchased and donated by a coworker. Many called and talked. Some traveled long distances to visit on the weekend. Some dropped in to visit when working in the area. One coworker loaded a van full of prayer warriors and drove them to pray over Butch, speaking little or no English. People dropped off cash, while others served practical needs. This was a family in action. Inspirational. Commendable. Helpful. Butch’s company, Hope Builders, declared his funeral a holiday for anyone who wanted to attend.

I took Tim with me on my last visit to see Butch at home. When we went to leave, Butch insisted we pray for Tim, still struggling with serious issues in his colon. The words Butch used in his prayer to God were uncustomary of the man I’d worked with for over fifteen years. It was evident this branch of a brother was connected to the vine, his body withering away, his spirit fresh and green. Influence the world now, for eternity, a worthy purpose realized. Butch would exit this world days later, a bright heritage and future as a son of Almighty God in family ties that endure forever.

Dave Dassoulas
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