Big Picture

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Big Picture

Post by Ambassador_of_Hope »


My vision was shattered to pieces as I left a meeting that brought clarity to my dream of leading or helping to lead a mission driven company. I’d have to start over, but this time as a brand new entity. A wife and two young children at home were a sobering reality. My thought was; “it was not going to work where I was, so I might as well get started now.” Returning home anxious and unsettled I learned of the Spirits visitation and comfort of my wife Becky, as she waited for the news that leads to fear. She agreed to move forward, even in the event our family would have to step backwards. Over the next five days, with conviction to move forward, support of our spouses and counsel from the wise, my brother-in-law and I resigned our positions and proceeded as co founders of a new venture in business.

Born from the vision of satisfying customers through satisfied staff and that we can all accomplish more together than through our own separate interests, Hope Builders was conceived. Dr Laniak, describes moving ahead toward the shepherd’s goals of productivity and reproduction. It took decades of hard work, trustworthiness, adaptability, persistence and growth in wisdom for the sheep to trust being driven to a worthy destination. Reflecting on all this makes me think about Proverbs 4:7 (NIV 1978) “Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding.” Guidance depends on it.

Dave Dassoulas
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