Letting go

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Letting go

Post by Ambassador_of_Hope »

Day 27 My Sleepless Shepherd

I drove through the parking lot on my way home after retrieving a rapid test in the office. The family gathering in our home on Christmas Eve necessitated a negative covid test for our son in law. His sickness the previous week had seeded tension in the family. As I past a dump truck parked against one of the garage door openings, I saw the interior of the warehouse. I abruptly slowed my pickup truck to a stop, hopped out and went inside to investigate, wondering if someone was working on the holiday. The warehouse was empty and the heat was running. I smiled, reflecting on the reality that God was the initiator, is the sustainer, provider and watchman of our business. I closed the door, turned down the thermostat and headed home. He who watches over Hope will neither slumber or sleep.

My smile was an informed smile, backed up by miles and miles of experience. I have echoed Davids prayer in Psalm 3, crying out to the Lord who answers me from his holy hill. Countless backpacking trips with a vulnerable vehicle sitting for days. An impossible parking situation inside a bustling city. And it was not the first time the garage door or door to the office were left unsecured. Worry, anxiety and systems are no equal to asking God to place angels as guards over the people and possessions he gives us to steward. Deep sleep is possible when The Good Shepherd is the watchman.

Dave Dassoulas
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