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Post by Ambassador_of_Hope »

Day 25 Darkness

I sat at the table day after day, reading Gods word. My mind wandered off, far from the words on the page in front of me. For me, the bread of life was stale, even moldy. Prayer was no different. It seemed all my words hit the ceiling and fell down to the floor. I continued the practices out of duty for what seemed like years. I lacked joy and motivation. In desperation I turned things upside down. I read Revelation. Then on to Jude, John 1 through 3 and continued backwards to Genesis. Somewhere during that journey, the fog lifted and the ceiling gave way to the heavens.

Faith had carried me through. I knew what I knew from the past. The life. The wisdom. The supernatural. None of that was a dream. It happened and I knew it as the richest part of life. Later I read John of the Cross’s description of the “dark night of the soul.” I have at least one thing in common with this fellow saint. Through the years I’ve observed others in battles with darkness. After surviving through darkness, light has never looked the same.

Dave Dassoulas
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