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Post by Ambassador_of_Hope »

Day 24 A Living Sacrifice

The cup overflows. Misfortune spills into opportunity. Vision from years earlier comes to fruition. Fraught with obstacles, the path gets redirected. Each failure manifests a blessing. Each blessing is met with temptation. Satan whispers, “It”s yours, you’ve earned it. You deserve it.” Christ had the power to snap his fingers, defeat his persecutors, end the pain, suffering and reveal His glory. He stayed with the game plan, putting others before himself, extending Gods glory to unknown and increasing heights. Life is blood. God has created us to make more. Sharing it increases life. “Bleeding is leading.” Leading is good.

Out giving God is impossible. He’s already given more than we could ask or imagine. Christ endured through his final punishment hanging from the cross in indescribable pain, drained of strength while being drained of his blood. The only perfect man to walk on earth took the blame and surrendered his life so that all who believe in him can live forever in heaven. Our sins covered over, erased by the opaqueness of his blood, overflowing as fuel to be a living sacrifice. Now is the time to strike a match, ignite the fuel and see all that God will do.

Dave Dassoulas
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