Leading Beside

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Leading Beside

Post by pastorsbru »

I am intrigued by the observation that shepherds lead their flocks from different positions in different circumstances. My default position as a shepherd has been to lead from beside. I have often wanted my congregation to see me as “one of them.� As we navigated some very difficult decisions in the last few years, such as leaving and joining a denomination, and COVID-19, it required me to lead more from the front. It has been exhilarating to realize how efficiently people are willing to follow. We have accomplished more positive change in the last several years than many congregations do in decades. As I’m tempted to continue leading from the front, Laniak’s description of leading tired sheep from behind is timely. Whether it is from behind, or alongside, I think it may soon be time to vary my leadership posture again, so as not to burn out my sheep.
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