Family Friendly Flock

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Family Friendly Flock

Post by pastorsbru »

"Jesus said, 'Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.'" (Matthew 19:14 NIV)

Children have great value in the ministry of Jesus and in his kingdom. In many congregations, children are segregated from mainstream ministry. This gives a false impression to families that their children are important, but it can also be an indicator that children do not have place in the general ministries or services of a congregation. A flock of sheep is an integrated community, and so ought our churches be.

Laniak's observation that much of a shepherd's time is spent with young animals and their mothers means that family ministry is not just good strategy, it is faithful shepherding. If our responsibility as shepherds is for the whole flock, then more of our time will likely be spent with the weak and young, than with the stronger members of the flock.
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