Provider of all our needs

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Provider of all our needs

Post by LMartin »

YHVH Yireh (lit. The LORD will see) - The Lord will see; translated as the LORD will provide {The LORD will see and provide}

As a shepherd sees his flock and tends to all their needs, the Lord perceives, considers, is aware of, examines, and understands each and every one of our concerns. Since He is our shepherd, it is His will to provide all our needs; nothing is missing; we lack not a thing. He gently and carefully guides us beside the still waters (a quiet resting place; an oasis in the desert). When we enter His place of tranquility, we enter into His rest which is the peace we have from abiding in Him and He in us. Though we may be hit with both external storms and internal storms, in Him the storms are quieted; in Him is perfect calm; His blessed peace. His rest is available always; it is my choice to enter into it and make my abode in Him.
Lauren Martin
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